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Cragside Primary School

Mental Health        

Here at Cragside we are committed to supporting all members of our school community and this includes taking care of the mental health of children, families and staff alike. We want to be a safe space for all where children and adults alike can thrive and find help when needed.
As part of this ongoing and evolving work, please find the pathways of support on offer for children and their families here. We have also included a variety of links to different organisations outside of school who can offer support.
Our commitment to developing this facet of school life has seen the school take part in a programme with Leeds Beckett University and the Port of Tyne Authority in order to achieve the Schools' Mental Health Award. 
We hope you find this page useful and find the necessary information and support. 
 Tom Digby - Mental Health Lead in School
                                                    Rohan Kohli- Mental Health Governor

Pathways For Support

Pathway for Children

Pathway for Families




Mental Health Websites

 Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff


  Parents mental health support, advice for your child


  Child mental health resources for parents and teachers


  Free, confidential 24/7 mental health text service for crisis support


  Mental health & emotional wellbeing 


  Parenting mental health


     Counselling Directory
